4 Cups tender/young Okra Leaves (only the leaves, remove the stems/spines)
½ Bell Pepper ( de-skinned and de-seeded)
½ Small Onion
¼ Cup Fresh Parsley
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste.
*Serves one person if this is all you are eating.
Wash the vegetables thoroughly.
Peel the bell pepper with a potato peeler or sharp knife. It is easier to peel the pepper while it’s whole. Remove all the seeds inside the bell pepper. Throw away or compost the peeled skin and seeds. Lectin is high in the skin and seeds of the bell pepper—people on a lectin free diet must remove these before cooking.
Cut the Okra leaves, onions, de-skinned and de-seeded bell pepper, and parsley. Heat olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Throw all the cut ingredients in a frying pan. Put salt and pepper. Keep stirring until the leaves look tender. Turn the heat to low and cover the pan so the steam can soften the leaves. Cook for about 10 minutes. Stir every now and again so the leaves don’t get dry. If the leaves are not getting soft soon enough, you may add drops of water to allow the leaves to cook a bit longer without drying.
Fried Okra leaves on this day were served with sausage; however you can eat Okra leaves on their own or with other meats.
Tip 1: Don’t fry the stems/spine of okra leaves as they are tougher than the leaves. They might not get soft by the time the leaves are done.
Tip 2: Okra leaves are at their softest before the plant starts producing Okra pods. If you grew the Okra yourself, don’t pick all leaves from each tree to ensure the Okra pods are not growing on a bare tree.